Best Vintage Clothing Shops in Stockholm

  1. Best Vintage Clothing Shops in Stockholm

If shopping for vintage is your thing Stockholm is the city for you. We Stockholmers like to follow trends – and then we like to add our own twist, which means we love our vintage and the city has responded by spoiling us with a wide array of vintage and second-hand shops.

Last updated: October 10, 2023
Here are our favorite spots to find that perfect one-of-a-kind item that will be a dream addition to your wardrobe.


Lisa Larsson Second Hand

Lisa Larsson Second Hand

Lisa Larsson Second Hand

Lisa Larsson is something of a legend amongst vintage devotees in Stockholm. Open since 1986, the shop is crammed from floor to ceiling with pieces from the 1930s onward. While most of the stock is for women – everything from gowns and cocktail dresses to trousers, suits, coats, and shoes – the men are not ignored. This is the place to find a classic overcoat that never goes out of style.

Bondegatan 48, Södermalm


Saker & Ting

Smaller than your average closet but oozing with charm, Saker & Ting is worth squeezing into because owner Bie Eriksdotter has been keeping Stockholm’s vintage lovers happy for decades – and she knows her stuff. While it’s not easy to see what the crammed racks hold it’s worth the effort because this is the kind of vintage shop you rarely walk out of empty-handed. Even better is that Bie seems to know exactly what she has in stock so why not just ask her to help you find the perfect frock?

Sturegatan 28, Östermalm



Myrorna vintage clothing in Stockholm

Myrorna is a safe bet if you want to find a hidden gem – Photo credit: © Myrorna

With a number of outlets around the city, Myrorna is a charity shop and proceeds go to the Salvation Army. While some of the shops also stock furniture, books, kitchenware, etc., clothing is in great supply and the prices are truly bargain basement. We here at ViewStockholm recommend visiting a few of their shops because if you don’t find a hidden gem at one you’ll be sure to find it at another.

Götgatan 79, Södermalm
Adolf Fredriks Kyrkogata 5-7, Norrmalm/City
Fleminggatan 89, Kungsholmen
Norrtullsgatan 9, Vasastan
Kolargatan 2, Hjorthagen


Modern Retro Vintage

Modern Retro Stockholm

Modern Retro is a treasury when it comes to vintage – Photo credit: © Modern Retro

When you visit the beautifully decorated store Modern Retro Vintage, located in the trendy SoFo in Södermalm, it’s like you’re entering past times, and the finest goods surround you. The shop is filled with an eclectic mix of clothing from the 1920s to the 1990s for both him and her. Many of them are deadstock (unworn vintage clothing from old stocks). You can also find accessories, old ski boots, excellent dress shoes, and a smattering of pipes, typewriters, posters, and even guitars. It also has one of the best collections of vintage leather in Stockholm. The owner has been in the vintage business since the 1980s, so this place definitely knows what the vintage fans want.

Gotlandsgatan 76A, Södermalm



A.Marchesan vintage Stockholm

Find the perfect vintage clothes for men at A. Marchesan

Here’s one for the men (or ladies who like menswear) and A.Marchesan has been called the best men’s vintage store in all of Europe. While it looks like a ‘regular shop’ once you’re inside you’ll soon realize that almost every garment pre-dates 1970. Are you looking for a 2, 3, or 4-piece suit? Maybe a tweed or smoking jacket from 1920? Bespoke and deadstock? It’s all there and more. Set aside an afternoon for your visit because this is the kind of place where you’ll shop till you drop.

Gästrikegatan 1, Vasastan

We hope you’ll find some great clothes in the best vintage and thrift shops in Stockholm!

Find the best vintage clothing shops on the map

Title Address Description
Lisa Larsson Second Hand
Bondegatan 48, 116 33 Stockholm, SverigeBondegatan 48
Saker & Ting
Sturegatan 28, 114 36 Stockholm, SverigeSturegatan 28
Götgatan 79, 116 62 Stockholm, SverigeGötgatan 79
Adolf Fredriks kyrkogata 5, 111 37 Stockholm, SverigeAdolf Fredriks Kyrkogata 5-7
Fleminggatan 89, 112 45 Stockholm, SverigeFleminggatan 89
Norrtullsgatan 9, 113 29 Stockholm, SverigeNorrtullsgatan 9
Kolargatan 2, 115 42 Stockholm, SverigeKolargatan 2
Modern Retro
Gotlandsgatan 76A, 116 38 Stockholm, SverigeGotlandsgatan 76A
Gästrikegatan 1, 113 62 Stockholm, SverigeGästrikegatan 1
Table of Contents

Find the best vintage clothing shops on the map

Title Address Description
Lisa Larsson Second Hand
Bondegatan 48, 116 33 Stockholm, SverigeBondegatan 48
Saker & Ting
Sturegatan 28, 114 36 Stockholm, SverigeSturegatan 28
Götgatan 79, 116 62 Stockholm, SverigeGötgatan 79
Adolf Fredriks kyrkogata 5, 111 37 Stockholm, SverigeAdolf Fredriks Kyrkogata 5-7
Fleminggatan 89, 112 45 Stockholm, SverigeFleminggatan 89
Norrtullsgatan 9, 113 29 Stockholm, SverigeNorrtullsgatan 9
Kolargatan 2, 115 42 Stockholm, SverigeKolargatan 2
Modern Retro
Gotlandsgatan 76A, 116 38 Stockholm, SverigeGotlandsgatan 76A
Gästrikegatan 1, 113 62 Stockholm, SverigeGästrikegatan 1
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